S.H.E.L.T.E.R. v1.0 Download for Android, Windows, MAC (COMPLETED)


In this game, the government shelters built to save human from nuclear. That place protects the lives of its citizens soon gets overpopulation.
No choice here, so many people tried to find another life by returning to the surface. So, what will happen ?


Here is the correct way for cheats.
budget = xx (((For best result use the has_cans cheat then add them to the treasury form MC stock.)))
has_cans = xx

This one works for just the number you have but will not count for MC or anyone else you need some for so it is best to just buy them instead of cheating them.
has_syringe = xx

xx = the number you want.

Gallery Unlock Cheat :

Go to game folder->renpy->common -> 00gallery.rpy

Open the file using notepad and search for "if not renpy.seen_image(i):" under that line you'll see "return False". Simply change False to True, and you've unlocked the entire gallery. Make sure you type True, not true; the capital T matters.

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