Corruption Final Download for Android, Windows, Linux, MAC (COMPLETED)

In this game, the girls are becoming more and more corrupt and enslaved. For each corruption level,
you can see different events
Console Codes :
To open the Console, press Shift+O then type the command and press Enter.
To get the console if you don't have it I recommend using UnRen because it's easy to use, and it offers more options.
change the "x" with the number you want
money = x
day = x (by adding or removing days you change the days of the week, for example, if you always want to have "Monday" and you have let's say 421 days, and you are at "Night" set the day to 420 and do whatever you like to pass the night, and in the morning you'll be at day 421 on Monday morning)
time = x
were x is :
1 for "Morning"
2 for "Afternoon"
3 for "Evening"
4 for "Night"
potion = x
gas_potion = x
Internet MOD :
Replace the comp.rpyc file in the game directory.
You can access the cheat menu via the computer in your room, just click the "bonus folder" icon in the top-left corner.
You can cheat money, potions, change your name and edit stats of all characters, including the bar hostess and Alice (the store girl). The sex values are set so you can view the transition scenes easily, for instance, if you set a character to level 2 and give them a potion, you'll see the transition scene 2->3 unless it isn't implemented yet.
The script is designed to work in future versions as well, just make a backup copy of the original "com.rpyc" in case it doesn't.